Creator's mark 144 given to Mars Eden Project

Creator's mark 144 given to Mars Eden Project
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Emissaries Authentication (Mars Eden Project Version)

(Best view on desktop/laptop with sound capability; some info can only be conveyed with sound.  Certain important info will be lost when view on mobile devices)

“The science of government it is my duty to study, more than all other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiation ought to take the place of, indeed exclude, in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.” -- John Adams (founding father of America)

(Play the "music" below if it does not auto-play as you read this blog.)


We are emissaries... sent to deliver hope of salvation, and give help to penitent and peaceful people that desire to leave prison Earth to build a better & more humane civilization on Mars.

But in order to be allowed to leave Earth, people need to be able to pass the filtering test. Unfortunately, without knowledge and understanding, many will not pass this test.  Among the many duties we were sent to accomplish, we were tasked with the job of tutoring people to help you pass this filtering test (a gesture of mercy from our benefactor).  Think of it as getting a helping hand to cram for the Final Exam.  This Final Exam is a kind of parole/selection test, meant to evaluate who is ready to live in a world of peace, love & responsibility and who still clings to the ways of violence, indifference & irresponsibility.

Who sent us you might ask?  That will be revealed naturally in due time as you acquire knowledge and understanding.  But know this, whoever sent us, loves you very much to go through all these troubles to arrange for your freedom off this prison planet.

How do we verify who we say we are?  Especially in a world full of mistrust, confusion, and greed; where there are myriad of charlatans all scheming for profit and personal gain.  So how then do we stand out?

Identity can be stolen, secret pass-code can be cracked, credentials can be forged.  But there is one thing that is immune to all these... knowledge.  Knowledge that takes a lifetime to learn cannot be stolen nor counterfeited.  For example, a charlatan can impersonate a doctor, but he can never be a doctor.  The doctor has spent years learning and training his medical skills, the charlatan has not.  So the charlatan do not have enough time to learn all that the doctor have learnt.  Thus, when the charlatan is infected with a disease, he has no choice but to go to a real doctor for treatment.

Therefore, we will authenticate ourselves via disclosure of our knowledge, understanding, and guidance.  We will disclose information that would be considered bad news first.  Then we will disclose information that would be considered good news second.  The bad news will be a series of information that will help you to become aware of how this world operates, and make sense of all the unfolding chaos, destruction, confusion and terror.  People fear what they do not understand.  In fear they jump to short-sighted conclusion, and make rash decisions that entrap them in the chaos and destruction.  Therefore, if innocent & penitent people were to acquire knowledge and understanding, then they would be able to navigate out & avoid being caught up in the chaos and destruction.

It is because there are so many charlatans out there, all yapping and trying to be heard, that we were not authorized to come forward until the world is on the brink of destruction.  With the world being on the brink of destruction, the charlatans no longer have enough time to steal and digest all that we know.  Thus, those that impersonate the emissaries will naturally be revealed.   As mentioned before, people fear what they do not understand. Therefore in fear as they experience the unfolding chaos, disasters and destruction, all these charlatans not knowing what to do will eventually silence themselves out of desperation for a guiding light.

(Doomsday Clock Moved Forward To Two Minutes 30 Seconds Till Midnight)

(Click to view source:  TIME Magazine
Update: Clock Moved Forward To 2 Minutes Till Midnight on Jan 25, 2018
Source: TIME Magazine )

If people are waiting for their politicians to stop this global destruction, they are going to be very disappointed.  The politicians around the world are busy fighting each others like retarded children in adult bodies, so how can they work together to solve the world greatest and most complex problem?  People need to THINK for themselves and assess the situation TRUTHFULLY if they want to escape & free themselves from this prison planet before the final destruction.

Now as emissaries, we were not sent empty handed.  We were sent with three gifts for penitent and peaceful people.  Think of them as "wedding gifts", given to invited guests.  The first gift is knowledge of anti-gravity, to help you get off this prison planet.  Since this technology is already in the public domain, we are able talk about it.  The second two gifts will be given when you are on Mars and have established peaceful and socially responsible communities there.  When the three gifts are combine, they will usher in a Golden Age for mankind.

So why was it necessary for us to be sent?

Many peaceful people are blind because they do not know how violent people think, therefore they cannot navigate out of the social trap that violent people have created.  Through out history, societies all over the world have followed violent men.  Kings, Emperors, Warlords, Caesars, etc...; these were violent men who at their commands can slaughter hundred of thousands to millions of people.  They became leaders of societies and in turn created violent & heartless social systems that entrap everyone.  These violent & heartless systems were then passed down from generation to generation.  Thus, subsequent generation of peaceful people were born into this trap with no knowledge of how to get out.

From birth, most people have only known or are exposed to the ways of violence and competition: how to use violent, conflict, and arguments to try to solve problems.  In such a world, nothing ever get solve because people are too busy arguing & fighting with each others.  If people are busy finger pointing and arguing, then they aren't able to collaborate together to get things done.  And since things aren't getting done and problems aren't getting solve, the situation keep getting worse and worse; which trigger even more finger pointing, accusations and arguments.  It is a vicious cycle spiraling toward total destruction.

As emissaries, we are given knowledge and understanding of both, the path of conflict and the path of peace.  Thus, we are in a unique position to help peaceful people navigate out of these collapsing violent societies; and guide penitent people to create a new peaceful civilization on Mars (one that is socially responsible and is not a threat to other more advance civilizations out there).

We begin our authentication process by disclosing knowledge of the Original Star System that the ancestors of modern mankind were exiled from.  Knowledge & understanding of your true origin will help you to make sense of the unfolding global chaos, destruction, confusion and terror.  By having an understanding of what's going on around you and the reasons for these events, you will no longer fear irrationally.  You will be able to think calmly & clearly and maneuver out of harm's way....  as a community (not as individuals).

Click the link below to learn about the Original Star System of humanity ancestors.
Ancestors' Origin Star System


Clue for those with humility & a gentle heart to understand:

"Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared." -- Exodus 23:20
